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HKSRM Conference and Training Grant 

In 2011, In 2011, the HKSRM allocated HK$50,000 to set up a Conference and Training Grant.  The grant supports members of the Society to attend conferences or training courses, or workshops overseas. The maximum amount that can be awarded to any one applicant is HK$10,000, covering registration fee(s) and/or a round-trip standard economy airfare or train fare. Consideration will be given to Society members in conference attending and training. Preference will be given to members who do not have access to other sources of support and to individuals who are presenting a paper.


The Council will only consider applications made on the HKSRM Conference and Training Grant Application Form. Applicants should indicate clearly the estimated budget, what if any other sources of funding have been obtained, how the money will be spent, and include a copy of the Conference/Training Program, the abstract and the letter of acceptance. The latter can be provided after approval of award.


Those awarded the Conference and Training Grant should submit to the Council evidence of attendance at the conference within THREE months of return.



  1. The applicant MUST be a paid-up member of the HKSRM for not less than one year.

  2. Application should be submitted, if possible, not less than three months before the proposed time of travel.

  3. The maximum amount awarded to any one applicant is HK$10,000 per year and grant will not normally be awarded to the same applicant in two consecutive years.

  4. Applications will be reviewed by the Council of the Society, and the decision of the Council will be considered final.

  5. After the conclusion of the travel, the awardee MUST submit evidence of attendance at the conference or training.

  6. The award is given as a reimbursement after provision of all relevant original receipts.

  7. Applicants who will be receiving subsidy from other sources for the same event will not be eligible to apply for this grant. Completed application form and supporting documents should be submitted to:


    Dr. Raymond Li, Honorary Secretary (c/o Ms Karen Siu)

    12/F Central Tower,

    28 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong

    (Fax: 2526 7336; Email:


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